Learning for a Lifetime

High-Quality Programs
In 2018, GTPE has brought high-quality, in-demand programs to advance careers and address workforce development needs. A new online Master of Science degree, coding bootcamps in several locations in the state, and thriving award-winning programs for veterans are some of this year’s highlights.
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Learner Experiences and Services
In 2018, GTPE offered an array of experiences and services to serve a variety of groups and communities. From launching a language-learning app, to workforce training in Costa Rica, to enabling high school students to earn math credits for college and more, GTPE has served learners and employers in innovative ways.
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State and Community Support
As a partner to the state of Georgia, GTPE has devised solutions to advance state educational goals through programs that address a range of communities. Veterans, state and business leaders, undergraduate students, K-12 students, and adult learners have been the beneficiaries of GTPE’s community support initiatives this year.
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Lifetime Education and Innovation
Advancing lifetime education means creating and sharing new knowledge with our learners, campus partners, and peers in higher education. Symposia on delivering degrees-at-scale, learner behavior research, and a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant are among the highlights in 2018.
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Excellence and Efficiency
Streamlining operations, maximizing our resources, and delivering robust services to our community of employees, campus colleagues, industry and state partners, as well as learners, is a constant focus. This year’s highlights include the GTPE digital strategy, a new collaboration with edX and Accenture, and more.
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GTPE Employees
At GTPE, we encourage professional growth internally and provide the resources for our staff to engage in lifelong learning, live and uphold GTPE’s mission and values, and foster a culture of innovation. Every year, we have many accomplishments to share related to our people, and 2018 is no different.
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GTPE by the Numbers
GTPE learners have sharpened their skills, acquired new knowledge, and earned high-demand credentials to advance their careers. In 2018, GTPE learners earned 138 master’s degrees, 1,018 program certificates, 1,221 ESL program certificates, and 51,951 continuing education units (CEUs).
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Adult Learner Facts
Adult learners are changing the landscape of higher education. Today, almost as many adults as traditional students engage in formal learning. This infographic shows why adults pursue professional and continuing education, the role technology advancements play in the future of work, and how adult learners aim to keep up with the changing job market.
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Learner Impact
Lifetime learners are a rapidly growing component of Georgia Tech’s student population. Some pursue ongoing professional education to advance in their jobs. Others do so to change careers. While adult learners have many reasons to continue their education throughout their lives, one reason remains the same: return on investment.
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Letter from the Deana
As we look back on the last fiscal year, we have accomplishments to share and lofty new goals to strive for as we move into 2019.
Since first offering distance learning programs in 1977, Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE) has grown to delivering professional development programs to almost 26,000 learners worldwide as well as online degree programs to more than 10,000 graduate and undergraduate students in the 2018 fiscal year. Total enrollment of more than 36,000 has increased by 10 percent in the last two years. In addition, Georgia Tech’s massive open online courses or MOOCs, produced by GTPE, have had more than 3.6 million registrations to date. GTPE has also served more than 2,600 companies with public and sponsored professional development programs during this fiscal year.
It's no surprise that GTPE’s primary target audience, working professionals and other adult learners, forms an increasingly important part of the learner population at Georgia Tech. The Institute’s new 20-year academic roadmap shared by the Commission on Creating the Next in Education (CNE) in the report, Deliberate Innovation, Lifetime Education, pointed to the fundamental shift for Georgia Tech as we commit to broadening our focus from educating traditional college students aged 18 to 24, until they graduate, to serving learners of all ages throughout their lives. Lifetime learners will become a rapidly growing component of Georgia Tech’s student population, and the university of the future will offer pathways, credentials, and learning experiences to build careers and enhance the lives of people long after they get their undergraduate degrees.
Having offered professional education for 100 years and learning at a distance for more than 40 years, GTPE has a long history of success with this community of learners. We look forward to building on it and innovating as we support them at all stages of their career and life journeys.
The GTPE 2018 Impact Report, our first digital version, highlights some of our achievements this year related to our programs and their delivery, our work to support state and community goals, our initiatives in advancing lifetime education, and our people who make it all happen at GTPE.
We’re excited about the future and our role in navigating the changes in higher education to open new doors for lifetime learners.
Nelson C. Baker, Ph.D.
Dean, Professional Education
Georgia Institute of Technology