Inclusive Excellence through Diversity and Inclusion

  • Overview
  • Why Choose a Certificate?

Inclusive Excellence through Diversity and Inclusion

Be sure to review program requirements for this certificate

Students earning this certification will learn a cadre of skills needed to empower themselves and underrepresented groups within the workplace. First, students will identify implicit biases and gain tools for bias breaking, examine the neuroscience of advocating for self and others while learning effective advocacy models, and employ the Hofstede Analysis to understand and leverage the many cultural dimensions of a diverse workforce. Next, students will receive individual career coaching and learn how to audit their business units for best practices in diversity and inclusion. Finally, students will complete a capstone project by identifying a barrier to inclusive excellence within their workplace and implementing a project to eliminate that barrier.

Why Choose a Certificate?

Why Choose a Certificate?

Professional Certificates are ideal for developing new skills and building deep expertise in a specialized area to update your professional profile, advance your career, or broaden your knowledge base.

Certificates are an “anytime” credential
Start anytime - after graduation or later in your career - and gain deeper know-how in a specific area without the commitment to a degree.

Certificates demonstrate commitment
The dedication of time to earn a certificate demonstrates that you are committed to achieving a higher standard of professional knowledge in your industry.

Certificates provide immediate “ROE”
Georgia Tech learners master real-world skills and apply them to their career the day after completion.

Certificates stand out on your resume
A Georgia Tech credential carries the professional weight to give you a competitive edge.

What You Will Learn

  • Ability to identify implicit biases and break those biases.
  • Effective tools to advocate for self and members of underrepresented groups.
  • Ability to leverage cultural differences to increase inclusive excellence.
  • Knowledge regarding how to conduct an audit for strengths and growth opportunities in diversity and inclusion.
  • Ability to identify and eliminate barriers to inclusive excellence.
Group of individuals in business setting in front of a board and reviewing sticky notes or a process map.

Course Offerings

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