Modeling Style, Use and Management

  • Overview
  • Course Content
  • Requirements & Materials

Modeling Style, Use and Management

Course Description

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is the formalized application of modeling to support the systems engineering process in terms of requirements development, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities throughout the system lifecycle. The power and flexibility of both the MBSE approach and the use of modeling languages such as the Object Management Group Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) can become liabilities if not employed properly. While each organization can adopt MBSE and SysML to suit specific purposes, the need for a coherent, structured approach to implementation quickly becomes evident, especially as models begin to persist over time. This course will introduce you to the concepts of model style, usage, and management to enhance collaboration and efficiency in modeling efforts, especially as models grow in both size and complexity.

Course Content


  • Collaboration
  • Model development
  • Project partitioning
  • Common software environment


  • Package hierarchy
  • Organizing principles
  • Language extension
  • File attachments


  • Diagrams
  • Naming of model elements
  • General layout and navigation


  • Considerations for creating a model that is well documented
  • General guidance for comments and notes
  • Difference between system concept and term


  • General, pillar best practices
  • Content best practices


  • Overview of MBSE methodologies
  • Deep dive into Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method with practical examples
Requirements & Materials



Required (student must provide)

  • Access to a computer capable of running a no-install bundle of a SysML authoring tool such as NoMagic MagicDraw™ or Cameo Systems Modeler™ - (Operating System Requirements: Windows 10 or later; Mac OS Catalina, Big Sur or later)

Provided (student will receive)

  • Course slides handout
  • Example SysML models

Session Details

  • Special Discounts: Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) employees are eligible to receive a discount.  If you are a GTRI employee, please go to the Organizational Development website and look for the coupon code under GT Professional Development. Review coupon instructions for more information.

Who Should Attend

This course is directed to those MBSE practitioners who are responsible for establishing model organization schemes, management approaches, tool customizations, and style. A knowledge of SysML and the Dassault/No Magic authoring tool is recommended, e.g. at least one- to two-years of experience.

Defense technology professional attending professional short course

What You Will Learn

  • The importance of modeling etiquette and model element reusability
  • The difference between profiles and libraries, and why and how to use each to achieve a unique MBSE effect
  • Configuration management of a model or models across teams to enhance collaboration and efficiency
  • How to collaboratively develop a SysML model in accordance with an adapted MBSE methodology applied to the specification, analysis, design, and verification of a system within the context of a team project
Industrial and systems machinery at factory

How You Will Benefit

  • Identify specific tools and practices to effectively manage the development of a model across multiple teams and/or organizations.
  • Organize a modeling project.
  • Understand the appropriate usage of profiles and stereotypes including creation, training, and maintenance.
  • Develop a model that easily readable, navigable, and consistent with respect to style, layout and naming conventions.
  • Demonstrate the use of appropriate model documentation.
  • Apply diagramming best practices to a modeling project.
  • Taught by Experts in the Field icon
    Taught by Experts in the Field
  • Grow Your Professional Network icon
    Grow Your Professional Network

The course schedule was well-structured with a mix of lectures, class discussions, and hands-on exercises led by knowledgeable and engaging instructors.

- Abe Kani


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