Peachtree Corners Reinvigorating Aging Technology Park
Prototype Prime recently expanded and added a classroom

The City of Peachtree Corners is reviving the Gwinnett County Technology Park, a flourishing center of the tech industry in the 1970's, to create an “innovation hub” for its business community. The planning began in 2012 with one of the first efforts in 2016 being the introduction of Prototype Prime, a hardware and software startup incubator and co-working space. The incubator is responsible for attracting new companies to the area and providing a collaborative community in the city.
Prototype recently expanded to accommodate expected growth and includes a 50-seat classroom where Georgia Tech’s upcoming coding boot camp will take place. Beginning in January 2019, the 24-week program, aimed at future web developers and mobile application developers, will be taught by instructors from Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE).
“It’s all [about] the back-end infrastructure to make the apps on your phone do what they do, or for web interfaces to do what they do,” said Nelson Baker, dean of GTPE, of the course content. “When you look at the projects students do in the class, it’s pretty amazing.”
This certificate program is also offered in the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center in Tech Square in Midtown Atlanta and at Georgia Tech-Savannah.
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