LEAPing onto the red carpet
A program that started in Atlanta three years ago is paying dividends for Newton County citizens today

Georgia Tech's Logistics Education and Pathways (LEAP) program has trained and is training citizens for careers in the growing field of supply chain management. The program consists of eight online courses in which students can learn supply chain management principals, warehousing opportunities, transportation opportunities, and customer service operations. The courses are self-paced, allowing students to complete them on their own schedule.
The program is a partnership involving Newton County, Georgia Tech, the City of Covington, Newton County, Newton County Economic Development, The Newton County School System, and the Covington-Newton County Chamber of Commerce.
Students who have completed courses in the program receive a Georgia Tech Professional Education course completion certificate and continuing education units. They also have a permanent Georgia Tech Professional Education transcript.
The first 100 students who completed the program had their tuition waived through a grant from JP Morgan Chase and Schneider. Earlier this year, the Newton County Board of Commissioners and the Covington City Council approved funding for another group of citizens to complete the program.
Read the full article on The Covington News.