Targeting Georgia's Future in AI
Georgia Tech and the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration have partnered to build a better future for Georgia.

Advancements in artificial intelligence continue to transform manufacturing, and industry professionals in Georgia have better resources than ever to keep pace with the change. Thanks to a $65 million grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA), Georgia residents are eligible for a 50 percent discount in select supply chain & logistics courses at Georgia Tech, while funds last.
According to Charles F. Easley Jr, professor of the practice at Georgia Tech, the Peach State is particularly well-situated to capitalize on AI, due to its growing population, shipping infrastructure, and major corporate stakeholders. Georgia Tech’s stature as a global leader in the application of AI in Manufacturing, as well as Supply Chain & Logistics, only strengthens the state’s position.
“It's not just Atlanta,” Easley says. “That's one of the most important points. This is Georgia-wide." "With the grant from the Department of Commerce, which is the most significant grant awarded to a state, Georgia is poised to further leverage the impact it can have within the United States as a resilient and reliable driver of economic growth.”
Seize the Initiative
Easley stresses that, in the effort to upskill and take advantage of AI’s potential for industry, informational context is absolutely key.
“AI drives a lot of data, but you have to do something with that data to have it become something that informs you,” Easley says. “Only then can you gain greater knowledge and apply it. If you're not careful, you may have data devoid of context and you’ll be unable to achieve the results or return you'd want.”
As such, some companies may have previously dipped their toes into AI without being able to capitalize on it. Similarly, they may have viewed AI as something entirely new, without appreciating the industry advancements that led up to it.
“I think it helps to realize that, to a very large extent, what we call AI now is an evolution of what has been happening for quite some time,” Easley says. “Years ago, there was Collaborative Planning and Forecasting (CPFR). Then came Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). These were attempts to look at analyses, replenishment models, and economic order quantities. How can we smooth out the humps and bumps? How can we drive toward better, faster – for less, if you will – in such a way that the enterprise benefits economically and the consumer’s needs are met or even expectations exceeded? Where we are right now is more expansive. Business can be much more in-depth on how and where to apply this type of learning.”
The Georgia Tech Advantage
To take advantage of AI, industry professionals have to seize these tools for themselves. Fortunately, Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE)’s courses were developed with industry to upskill the workforce and ensure companies meet the demands of the future.
“Georgia Tech is very well-equipped to help either through public course offerings or through an internal curriculum developed for your company,” Easley says.
The $65 million Georgia Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing Technology Corridor (GA-AIM) effort supports a slate of statewide initiatives entailing artificial intelligence, manufacturing innovations, and outreach programs.
“Industry can either catch up, stay ahead, or get left behind,” Easley says. “They have the power of choice in Georgia. This is really a prime moment to be able to take advantage of what's being offered because this is where the state of Georgia and its businesses can truly differentiate themselves.”
Written by: Robert Lamb
Georgia Tech Professional Education is a recognized national leader in providing Supply Chain & Logistics (SCL) education for professionals and corporations. More information on its SCL courses (including those that qualify for the AIM discount) in Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Fundamentals, Online Courses, and earning a Supply Chain Analytics Professional certificate is available online at